When it comes to sports that cost a lot of money to keep on playing, like the costliest to maintain sports, then you’d think it had to be Golf. If that’s the case, then you don’t have any idea about some of the sports that are so many times costlier and more expensive than golf. Guess what though? We are here today to just take a good look at the top 10 most expensive sports in the world as of 2024, and to be honest, knowing how much costs to play some of these sports, it was a huge surprise to us as well during our research. Alright, so, let’s get to the list now.
1. Formula 1 Racing
On the very top of this list, stands Formula 1 Racing, and whether you believe it or not, it sure is indeed the most expensive sport in the world. It isn’t just fast cars though, it’s a worldly show of the newest technology, highest engineering, and millions of dollars going through every bit, you know? Just so you know, F1 teams can spend upward of $145 million a year with budget caps in place even though that is not accounting for the past years when teams like Mercedes gave away more than $500 million. Furthermore, brands such as Rolex and Mercedes who are sponsors of F1 racing define the sport’s position as the most expensive.
2. Yacht Racing
To be honest, you can take a raft and go for a sail, but that’s not a sport, it is just pure survival. On the other hand though, if you really want to do the proper yacht racing, you know, sail on the seas then it is surely going to cost you a lot. And for those of you who don’t know, yes, it is an actual sport in the Americas. Apart from the boat, there is a never-ending list of expenses, transport, entry fees, and crew salaries can stretch incomes to the limit. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton who sponsor this sporting event, raise this sport’s participation to the wealthiest.
3. Horse Racing
When you think of Horse Racing, you always think of rich people betting on horse racing, right? But that’s not only what this is all about, nah! Although one may glance at the cost of a racehorse, which might seem expensive at first, more expenditures like training, stabling, and healthcare are added, which just makes it one if not the most expensive sport in the world. So yes, it had to be in the top 3 of our list today.
4. Equestrian Competitions
Yes, both games are about riding horses, but this one is a little different than the typical horse racing, you know? Here, there are many obstacles for the rider as well as the horse to tackle with. And just so you know, the annual cost of competition-level horse maintenance can be as high as $200,000, and this cost may be ongoing for veterinary care, stabling, and high-end equipment. Apart from the cost of traveling for international events, one is immediately struck by the fact that equestrian sports, such as show jumping and dressage, take way too much money investment, that’s for sure.
5. Polo
Generally a “king’s game,” Polo really was the most expensive sport on the planet, but now there have come some other sports that rank higher up in this list. Interchanging horses between a game is what guarantees the best performance, but at the same time, it is quite expensive as well. You know, each of the many horses, also factoring in transportation and training issues, raises the expenses. Just to start with, it’s the expensive entry fees for elite tournaments, the acquisition, and the making of chosen horses’ high prices that are kinda shocking to consider.
6. Sailing
Despite it being seen by the majority as a leisurely activity, competitive sailing is, in fact, one of the most expensive sports. Just so you know, for major events like the America’s Cup, a slick yacht is a must-have and its price can easily reach several million dollars. On top of that, regular maintenance, sail replacements, and transportation fees very quickly add up, so keep that in mind as well.
7. Bobsledding
You might not have suspected bobsledding to be on this list, right? But, to be honest, the associated expenses of bobsledding are sky-high, really! A single bobsled can start at $30,000 and yet extra costs do not stop coming. Moreover, the sport’s demand for icy, infrequent training sites, journeys to the competitions, which take place in specified locations, and the need for high-end protective gear subsequently make bobsledding one of the costliest winter sports, that’s for sure.
8. Golf
Alright, here’s the one you were waiting for, and sure, Golf unlike the racing cars and the horses is not as demanding in terms of the money investment. If you just want to play it for fun and you know, make some rich connections on the field, you’d just need the equipment and a club membership, that’s all.
9. Tennis
Even though playing tennis may seem as easy as just having a racquet and a ball, it is definitely not so when it comes to professional play which includes high expenses. Like what exactly? You see, just so you know, for the real top players, the annual expenditure for being able to compete may reach over $140,000.
10. Pentathlon
The last name in the list is the modern pentathlon which is a combination of five unusual sports that are epee fencing, freestyle swimming, running, pistol shooting, and equestrian. The expense list is long and it starts with horse maintenance to fencing gear buying and shooting! That is why pentathlon is one of the most expensive sports to get into, it is worthwhile to be careful and to have extraordinary financial resources backing you up.
That’s pretty much it for now. See, it is not like there are new sports coming up every year or so, and that’s the reason this list is going to be like this for a while. And we hope that now you have a new perspective on things and are well aware of the fact that how expensive it can be if you want to play or take part in certain sports.